Among Us Animated Series Set to Launch in 2024 with Star-Studded Cast
Discover the upcoming Among Us animated series, featuring stars like Ashley Johnson and Elijah Wood. Created by Owen Dennis and produced by CBS Studios, the show brings the popular game's suspense and humor to life in 2024.
Faheem Hassan
6/7/20241 min read
Among Us Animated Series: What to Expect
Exciting News for Among Us Fans!
An animated series based on the popular game "Among Us" is in the works and set to bring the game's thrilling deception and strategy to the small screen. The series is being developed by CBS Studios with Owen Dennis, known for "Infinity Train," as the creator and executive producer.
Plot and Setting: The series will stay true to the game's premise. It revolves around a group of space crewmembers who must identify and root out an alien shapeshifter among them. The alien, or "Impostor," aims to sabotage the ship and eliminate the crew one by one. The series will combine elements of mystery, suspense, and dark humor as the characters navigate their way through these dangerous scenarios (Innersloth) (Game Informer).
Voice Cast: The series boasts a stellar voice cast, including:
Randall Park as Red, the Captain of The Skeld
Ashley Johnson as Purple, the Chief of Security
Elijah Wood as Green, the Unpaid Intern
Yvette Nicole Brown as Orange, the HR representative
Each character will bring their own quirks and personalities to the show, adding depth and humor to the intense plot (Game Informer).
Animation and Production: The animation is being handled by Titmouse, the studio behind "Big Mouth" and "Star Trek: Lower Decks." This partnership promises high-quality animation that captures the game's unique art style and atmosphere. The series will blend comedic elements with the suspenseful and strategic gameplay that fans love (Innersloth) (Game Informer).
Release Date and Availability: While the exact release date hasn't been announced, the series is highly anticipated and expected to premiere sometime in 2024. As of now, no specific network or streaming service has been confirmed to air the series (Game Informer).
Stay tuned for more updates as we get closer to the release date, and prepare for a new way to experience the world of "Among Us"! For more details, you can check out Innersloth and Game Informer.